What is a rain barrel?
Rain Barrels are used to catch water runoff from roofs, usually the downspout is diverted to the rain barrel. Rain barrels reduce the amount of runoff by collecting and storing the rainwater for future use.
How Does it work?
The rain barrel is placed at a downspout and diverting the water flow into barrel. You should place the rain barrel on a sturdy platform to allow more clearance under spigot and increase flow rate out of spigot.
How do I maintain the rain barrel?
In spring and summer months you should inspect your rain barrel. During your inspection you should remove any debris that has collected on the lid or mesh screen top. Occasionally you should also clean the inside of you barrel to reduce algae growth. In late fall and winter seasons you should take you rain barrel out of operation. You can do this by simply turning barrel upside down or store indoors.
What are some benefits of using a rain barrel to collect rainwater?
The collected rainwater can be used to water lawns, gardens, and even houseplants. This allows you from have to use tap water to do such tasks. It will also reduce peak volume and velocity of stormwater runoffs during rainfall events.
Rain Barrels are used to catch water runoff from roofs, usually the downspout is diverted to the rain barrel. Rain barrels reduce the amount of runoff by collecting and storing the rainwater for future use.
How Does it work?
The rain barrel is placed at a downspout and diverting the water flow into barrel. You should place the rain barrel on a sturdy platform to allow more clearance under spigot and increase flow rate out of spigot.
How do I maintain the rain barrel?
In spring and summer months you should inspect your rain barrel. During your inspection you should remove any debris that has collected on the lid or mesh screen top. Occasionally you should also clean the inside of you barrel to reduce algae growth. In late fall and winter seasons you should take you rain barrel out of operation. You can do this by simply turning barrel upside down or store indoors.
What are some benefits of using a rain barrel to collect rainwater?
The collected rainwater can be used to water lawns, gardens, and even houseplants. This allows you from have to use tap water to do such tasks. It will also reduce peak volume and velocity of stormwater runoffs during rainfall events.

Rain Barrel diagram form Lincoln, CA Stormwater Program